Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where am I?

Wow guys, so sorry for the delay in blogland from this girl. I have been crafting...I swear! I have had a little growing monster in my belly for the last about 7 months now (only 64 days left!!) that has been delaying my posting...along with work and all that other fun life stuff. Unfortunately I did not have the energy to take pictures of most of what I have been busy with...a few quilts here and there and sweet infinity dress for a wedding...but maybe I can report on those a little later. Now I am occupied with my baby crafts! YAY!! Summer crafting season is about to take flight!

So here is my list of crafts I would like to accomplish...

1. Recover the glider

I got a FABULOUS deal on craigslist for a glider back in March. The wood is in fantastic shape, I just need to work on the cushions a little bit. Not really digging the tan-ish stripes. I need something brighter in my life. Here is what I am going to use as my tutorial...

2. Make a crib skirt
Boys need skirts too... I put the crib together today (all by myself mind you...I am a I-wanna-get-it-done-at-this-moment kind of girl. And I put some of the tubs of clothes I have for the little guy under it...but it just looks too ummmmm....thrown together maybe? So I am going to make a little curtain to cover it...or a skirt if you will... Here is the tutorial I plan on using....loosely maybe...

3. Recover the Boppy

So I bought a trusty boppy at a garage sale last week. Of course it will need at least one cover...preferably several...but we will see how easily this one comes together. Using this tutorial...
4. Make a mobile
Not necessarily a number one priority, but something fun to add some pizazz to the room. Tutorial found here...

5. Make quilt

I do have a quilt that was made for this little guy and they are going to make the family quilt as well....but I have had my eye on this pattern for a while and is too cute to pass up for a baby. I have been somewhat working on it for the last 2 months... Here is the tutorial...
6. Make wall hangings
This one is kind of a hodge podge... I have a bunch of things I kinda wanna work on, but we will see what actually comes of it.
7. Re-paint the dresser
I am getting a dresser from my parents' house and it is a creamish kind of color. Does not exactly fit in to the decor of the brightly colored accents and black and white furniture of the room... I am going to need to work on the drawer pulls and handles too...they are QUITE girly...
8. Touch up book case
I have my childhood bookcase that has been through many a repaint jobs. (it functioned as a shoe shelf through highschool....) It is currently black and I would like to keep it that way, but it might need a few touch ups here and there...
This is just a teaser for the summer. I will keep everyone (more) updated on how everything turns out!

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