This summer, there is a lack of people living in my building, so we needed to keep track if people were here or not. First we were going to just find three different magnets, but then the light bulb went off.... We needed magnets that looked like us.... So here you go!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Burp Catcher
So I had some flannel left over from the circle quilt I made (and some that didn't quite make the cut to be put on the quilt...) and bought some microfiber (super dooper soft) dish towels from Family Dollar for $1. I sewed them together and here you have it! I started looking at a tutorial and then decided that it was easy enough that I would just wing it. (weird)

Monday, June 27, 2011
The Clothes Keeper
So for the big reveal...

Not too shabby! And here is the finished (for the most part...I need to organize that bookcase a little bit...) product for the far wall of the room. (you can see a little of one of my next projects in the mirror, but I will have to go into that one later because I am at a point where I need to run to joann's to get some more upholstery tacks...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Thong Stories from the Past and Present- a continuation
Circles and Drawers!
I'm awful
Projects to come:
Christmas decor (yikes....)
OAMC - my new favorite thing
An apron for my friend's bridal shower
Progress on my craft room.
I think that's it. There will be a post up before I'm allowed to sleep tonight!
Sorry I've been so MIA....but I'm enjoying all of your projects!
Monday, June 20, 2011
How I MacGyvered My Thong: A Surprise Craft Project
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Mamma Mia: The Guests Get Crafty Too!
When planning for the baby shower, Allison had requested we make onesies, much like in Offbeat Mama. So Allison & I searched for good deals and onesies (Allison rocked at this!) and the gathering of supplies began! People really got into it... more than I thought they might, so I was happy. Here I am working on my onesie:
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Busy Bee
Friday, June 10, 2011
Dotty Spotty Glider...Part One: The Footstool
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Quick Little Project While I Felt Motivated...

So I didn't really take any pictures of the process...but I layered the fabric and then folded the fabric from the back around to make a binding for the front. I also created a loop that I used to hand up on our key holder. (Look familiar?)

And here it is with our collection of mail from the was not too out of control because we just cleaned... (It is organized with Matt's mail, My mail, Bills to be paid, and case you were curious...)

Friday, June 3, 2011
pay no attention to the stuff behind the curtain...adventures in manly crib skirt making
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I heart this.
Another break in baby shower posting. Remember in my previous put post I told you my mom is a wedding cake decorator? Well I found this post today.
Go check it out. I will wait. I'm patient. Alright.... I'm not that patient. :-)
I would have loved this as a child. I could have been "decorating" my own cakes a well.
Things like this make me want to pop out babies to spoil. Good thing Allison will be doing some pushing soon enough so I have a baby to spoil. I just need to become more boy focussed in my finds.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Where am I?
Monday, May 30, 2011
Mamma Mia! It's the cake!
When it comes to cakes, I tend to have outlandish ideas. Part of that comes from the fact that my mom is a wedding cake decorator. Another part comes from the fact that I worked at a bakery in high school and during college and so I know the norm and I know the fantastic. It also has something to do with the fact that I have a small bakery in my kitchen when it comes to my decorating supplies.
So when it was determined that my mom was going to be making the trip from Wisconsin to the shower, it made most sense that she was going to be doing the cake.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Interruption of Baby Shower Posting
As I was reading an interesting article, Miss Mary, The Blog's #1 Fan, messaged me about how I needed to blog more often. Ironically, this article is one that I felt the need to share... and so this is what I'm going to do.
We have good news! It's a brand-new baby ... something?
Now go read it. Think about it. And respond with your opinion. How young is too young to allow a child do their own DIY project? Literally... they seem to get to pick everything. I'll share my thoughts too... but not until I hear from you.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Mamma Mia! It is a baby shower!
This past Sunday was the baby shower... Mario Bros. style! My goal with the shower was to have a theme but for it not to be over the top. So I was aiming to have the place look like an Italian restaurant with pops of Mario Bros. What does this mean? Well it means that I order table coverings from Linen 'n Things, give my excuse to purchase glass liquid dispensers, purchasing plants and flowers from Eastern Market, and then crafting up some Mario Bros. items in between. Today I'll show you the table decorations. (I need to spread this out so that we have multiple posts here... why, I'm not sure, but this is what I am doing).
Monday, April 18, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A craft mess...
See? It looks innocent enough... And then suddenly....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
50 First Showers
Source |
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
You + Hubby = Makes me something to spoil!
This isn't about the baby shower though... it is about another special day in the life of soon to be parents:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Having you in my life is like...
Donuts & Coffee?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
To Have and To Hang
For the second year in a row, my sister won the Emmys! Ridiculous. But a ton of fun. Last year I sent her pies in a jar, this year I decided to make a hanger for her eventual wedding dress. Now this idea didn't just come to me one day, no it was while I was swimming when my swim instructor/friend said she had just purchased them for her wedding... and that when the light bulb went off in the swimming pool. Oooo... potentially dangerous. :-)
Monday, February 28, 2011
B is for Book
Did I write a book? No. I wrote seven. So my cousins on my mom's side have some very adorable children. I am going to refrain from posting pictures of them though, because I'm not sure that their mothers would like that plan. Regardless though, there is Jacob, Ethan, Emily, Naleyah, Jaydah, Aleada, and Gavin. And so I wrote 7 different books that had each of them as the main character and then illustrated the book to match. Each book also had a lesson that was appropriate for each of them. It was a lot of work, but I loved it!
Craic Cookies
Friday, February 25, 2011
Driving in Ireland
When I moved to Ireland, the whole everyone driving on the other side of the road thing really got to me. I was terrified to cross the street because cars seemingly came from nowhere seeking to run me over. Even the painted "Look Right" signs at every streetlight corner couldn't stop me from occasionally stepping in front of a car I expected to see coming from the other direction.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Travelling on my stomach
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sad Deer:The Picture
feeling funktastic

When we were in college my friend Megan and I would talk on the phone almost every Sunday evening. Partially because it was a great time to catch up and partially because we were both prone to suffering what she coined as the Sunday blues (in distinct contrast with the Friday buzz). Sundays were often the days we had left for sorting the apartment, cramming in last minute study, and generally finishing all of the things deemed not fun enough for a Saturday. Every now and then the Sunday blues were a product of the Saturday evening regrets. Whatever had happened over the weekend it was always great to end it talking to Megan. Incidentally Megan is famous amongst our friends for coining phrases that have stuck with us for life. One of my favorite phrases came after a break up with a guy we didn't think was capable of hurting her. She looked me square in the eye and said "Zippers. Who needs them." We laughed til our sides ached and as the years went on and the break ups piled up, we always returned to that phrase as a way of reminding ourselves that boys may come and go, but good girlfriends are always there.
Luckily as we grew older, the everyday hustle and bustle of life took over. The Sunday blues became less frequent (some might say because everyday seemed more like a Sunday but that would just be too cynical), which is why it took me by surprise this past Sunday when I found myself in a funktastic mood. The reality of moving countries, combined with several weekends of saying goodbye activities had started to take its toll on me. The not knowing of the exact when or where dangled in front of me plunging me into a severe case of the Sunday Blues, not felt since the 90's! The 8 hour time difference made it impossible for me to call Megan until later so I turned to the activity that these days makes everything seem brighter: cooking.
This is one of the first soup recipes I ever tried and the first go produced a decent result. This time however, I have a bit more soup making skills under my belt and was able to adjust the recipe to make a deeply satisfying bowl of soup with just the right amount of kick.
I hope you enjoy!
Makes 6 -8
1 teaspoon ground cumin
3 medium onions, cut into a medium dice
6 cloves garlic minced
1/2 bunch celery, cut into a medium dice
2 medium carrots, cut into a medium dice
1 1/2 teaspoons ancho chili powder (I used Cayenne)
3 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
6 cups water or Vegetable Stock
2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1- to 2-inch cubes
1 small dried chipotle or 1/2 canned chipotle, drained (I only had powdered and it was delicious)
1/4 cup fresh lemon or lime juice
Salt and pepper
Preheat your pan. Add the onions, garlic, celery, and carrots. When the vegetables have begun to brown, add the chili powder, ginger, and ground cumin. Cook this mixture until a heady aroma rises from the pot and vegetables are fairly soft.
Add the stock and the sweet potatoes. Cook until the sweet potatoes are very soft, just about falling apart, about 40 minutes. Taste the soup and add chipotles accordingly. Remember that the heat of the chipotle will continue to develop over the next day or so, so if you are heat-averse, be conservative at this point.
Puree the soup and return it to the pot. Add the lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. If the soup is too spicy, a bit of sugar will tone it down a little. If the soup is too mild, a little more chipotle will add some kick.
Adapted from the recipe taken from The Complete Vegan Kitchen
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Boob Tube in Ireland...uh, quite literally

For this week's feature on the differences between Ireland and the US, I thought we would focus on the television. The physical television really isn't that different than what you would see in the US, minus the plug. But the programming, and the channels, oh dear friends are quite different indeed! It's hard to know where to start. We'll start with the National Television station: RTE (Raidió TeilifÃs Éireann), The radio bit has been around since 1926 and the TV station began in 1961 - its a ststuatory body run by a board appointed by the Irish government. RTE has RTE 1 and RTE 2. A lot of the programming comes from America, anywhere from one week to several months later than it would have been run in the states. They obviously cover a load of Irish sports, politics, etc. We also get the BBC stations here and then a wide range of cable stations.
Some of the biggest differences include:
If you have a TV in Ireland, you are required by law to pay a yearly TV license. This license is €160 a year and is supposed to mean that we can view programs without loads of commercials. This works for the BBC stations, but sadly not for the RTE ones. If you don’t pay the fees you can wind up being hugely fined or in some cases even going to prison!
Nudity. As alluded to in the title of this blog – nudity and cursing are allowed on normal, not cable television. The first time I saw full frontal nudity and heard the f word, I nearly fell off my couch! There is no need to pay for Skinemax here, just wait until 9pm and you never know what you’ll get!
Program schedules. It is very normal for a weekly program to not actually come on at the same time every week. One week it could start at 9:00, the next week at 8:55, the following week at 9:15. If there is a program you really want to see, you must be vigilant in seeking it out!
Everyone watches the same thing. It could be because Ireland is a smaller country, that there are less offerings or that people are following the habits of their parents, but I find that almost everyone watches the RTE programming, RTE news, and RTE movie of the week (every Wednesday at 9:30 or 9:35). Until I lived with Carl, I didn’t participate in the watching of these programs, but they do a thorough job of keeping the public informed of what’s happening in the country. Right now RTE is working overtime with all of the depressing news about the Irish economy they are reporting!
As we are getting closer to knowing our leaving date I have slowly realised the things that were so different to me in the beginning are so normal to me now, and when I go home I have a feeling there are more than a few things I am going to miss.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The S'moreo
So on Tuesday it was decided we should make them. MC had gotten materials. Val brought in the chocolate. And then the question of the actual cookie bottom came into play. It needed to be a graham cracker... but it should be round. How would one make a graham cracker round? So last evening, I made homemade graham crackers... and today the S'moreo came to fruition with the help and supplies from all in the office.
I present the Student Life S'moreo.... maybe some day it might be found at your local supermarket!
Photography by Val |
It's still cold outside

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Oh Deer Mary!
![]() |
Mary in Frankfurt |
My last day in Ireland, saying goodbye to Mary |
So why is Mary coming up? Well about two weeks ago, she sent me a message on facebook that said, "I saw this... and thought of you".
You can purchase this here. |
Which translated to.... you need to finish that post!
And I didn't. (Sorry Mary).
I did respond though that I needed to finish that series.
Mary agreed... about two weeks later. Telling me that she checks the blog every day... and she's waiting.
So Mary- this post is for you! (And Hi!)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Back of the bag recipe

Friday was my sister-in-laws birthday and we were all getting together for a family dinner. Because our apartment is too small to host everyone at one table for dinner, most of our family meals are held at Carl's parents house. Carl's mom is an awesome cook and I love having dinner there. It makes me feel young and safe and spoiled. Sometimes though it can make me feel too spoiled, because it is rare that I get to return the favor and have them in my home where, especially Carl's mom, can sit back and relax. To offset this guilt, sometime a while back, I started bringing baked goods whenever we go over for dinner. I wrote about the Pecan Pie I brought one time, they love the Mexican brownies, Carl's dad is a fan of the pineapple upside down cake. It makes me feel like a part of the family bringing new sweet treats for them all to try.
Nestle White Chocolate Chip Chocolate Cookies
- 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 2/3 cup NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa (Only had a dark chocolate cocoa and was wonderful)
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup butter or margarine, softened
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 2/3 cup packed brown sugar (I only had a half cup in my cupboard and they turned out great)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 large eggs
- 1 (12 ounce) package NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier White Morsels
PREHEAT oven to 350 degrees F.COMBINE flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt in small bowl. Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until creamy. Beat in eggs. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels. Drop by well-rounded teaspoon onto ungreased baking sheets.
BAKE for 9 to 11 minutes or until centers are set. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.
Friday, February 11, 2011
On Elections and leaders
An Taoiseach - Prime Minister (Currently Brian Cowen)
President - Head of State (Currently Mary McAleese) Presidents can serve up to 2 seven year terms
Oireachtas Éireann - National Parliament
Dáil Éireann - the Lower House (most powerful and directly elected)
Seanad - the Upper House
Fianna Fáil - current party in power
Fine Gael - expected party to win in election
Sinn Fein
Progressive Democrats
In Ireland they have what is called proportional representation. When they go to the polls to vote, they vote for their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. The logic is that this provides a more accurate proportional representation within the Dáil.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Chex Mix of Champions
Monday, February 7, 2011
A craft we can do together
Friday, February 4, 2011
Christmas in Ireland

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Proud to partake of your pecan pie
Sally Albright: Pepper.
Harry Burns: Pepper.
Sally Albright: Pepper.
Harry Burns: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.
Sally Albright: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.
Harry Burns: But I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie.
½ cup sugar
4 T Brown Sugar
½ t Salt
1 cup Corn Syrup (I used light the first time and dark the rest of the time - all delicious!)
⅓ cups Melted Butter (salted)
3 Large Eggs
1 t Vanilla
1⅓ cup Chopped Pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
You have two choices - make a pie crust or use a store bought. I make mine, but the non roll kind.
Combine sugar, brown sugar, salt, corn syrup, butter, eggs, and vanilla together in a bowl.
Place the chopped pecans in the bottom of the unbaked pie shell first. Next pour the yummy syrup mixture over the top.
You will want to cover the pie with tin foil for the first 35 minutes of baking. Remove tin foil and bake for another 20 minutes. Continue baking until the center if firm and no longer jiggling.
Share with only people who are incredibly dear to you!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sweets for the Sweet