Back again for another baby-stuff-making installment! I have definitely been slowing down my crafting and have not really accomplished much since I made these burp cloths several weeks ago. But I am in love with them so far (we will see how functional I find them...) so I figured I should share!
So I had some flannel left over from the circle quilt I made (and some that didn't quite make the cut to be put on the quilt...) and bought some microfiber (super dooper soft) dish towels from Family Dollar for $1. I sewed them together and here you have it! I started looking at a tutorial and then decided that it was easy enough that I would just wing it. (weird)

I thought it looked too...hmmm, whats the word...flowy maybe? So I semi-quilted it by doing a big cross and an X across it to keep the fabric a little tighter.

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