Recently jigsaw puzzles reentered my life and I have to tell you - it was a magical day. Due to living in small apartments, moving almost every year and spending a large portion of my time in pubs or at work, I lost the joy of jigsaw.
Whenever we had girls night at Jill's though, I noticed she had jigsaws around. A beautiful one that had been glued and framed on the wall, another one partially done on a board under the coffee table, more still in the box tucked in the corner. I have to admit I had puzzle envy! Our apartment though - there is no room. I made due with admiring hers from afar. . .
Until Christmas when Jill picked my name for Secret Santa and totally blew my mind with the awesomeness of her present (and also totally blew the €25 spending limit - how lucky am I?). She presented me with a jigsaw puzzle and puzzle board. I had never even heard of such a thing. It stores puzzles in an upright position and can be tucked behind or under just about anything!
Source (coincidentally the puzzle in the ad is the one she gave me to go with the board)
Recently I told Carl I thought we spent too much time on the couch watching TV and not enough time actually doing something together in the apartment. During the other seasons we are great about going for walks and being outside, but during the long cold and dark evenings we just don't get out. He surprised me by suggesting we get a jigsaw (I had done the one Jill gave me with my mom and sister). I was a bit skeptical at first, but was delighted to find that he enjoyed the puzzle as much as I did and that we loved working on it together.
We loved it so much I am surprising him with a new one on Valentine's Day and quite possibly a cheesy card attached that says something about him holding all of the pieces of my heart. Get it? Gross I know!
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