But don't you fret, I have been slaving away at the cutting board (happy present from mom along with a rotary cutter for an early christmas gift!) and sewing machine for the last couple weeks. But I am working on some top secret projects.
Ok, so not TOP secret, because I am a bad present secret keeper...
Present Receiver: What are you getting me?
Me: You really want to know?
Present Receiver: YES!
Me: ...insert gift...
I just love to share! This conversation honestly happens at least 5 times a year. Plus I like to make sure people are going to like my gift. (ahem...nini) so I let them kinda pick out the details.
I will definitely post the pics of my latest creations though, once they are opened. Filled with all of my heart, blood, sweat, and tears...
But I thought I should explain my absence a little. AND my glorious black friday shopping at JoAnn Fabric. It was the best way to end Black Friday (which began at 3:15am after no sleep...included no finds at 3 stores before embarking on Target and waiting in line for 2.5 hours and being seconds away from passing out...good thing i am a pro at it now and can feel a blackout coming on...how embarrassing would that have been.?). (And I even got my 20% off coupon even though I checked out after noon o'clock...mostly because i was waiting at the cutting area for 2 hours.) I bought the absolute cutest fabrics to work on. I am going to make a bed spread/quilt for my bed. with blue and black...guess that means I am going to have to fix the luxurious red pillows...but it will match the 2 comforters we use. (yep we have to use 2 comforters...that is just how cold it gets in the great northern part of michigan... :( ...) And then the other picture is of my fun fabric that I really don't have too much of an idea what I want to do with it, but it was too cute to pass up for $1.29/yard!

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