In our last episode, I had picked out some fabrics from good old JoAnn Fabrics. I ended up going back once more and a trip to the fabric department at Walmart to get enough fabrics and patterns I liked.
Here is OJ helping me display the circles sewn on to the blocks...

I forgot to get a picture of the piles and piles of my 36 squares cut in to quarters, but i'm sure you get the idea...
So then I picked a space for each one of these little buddies so that there was not too much of one pattern next to another and so on and so on...
Then I sewed each of the circles back together again...and then all of the rows together.
I had to cheat and add a white strip because it was just too difficult for me to get all of the edges to match up. And I thought that was a better solution than giving up on the I pushed ahead and I have the top part DONE!
Now I just need to decide what I am going to do with the back and get some batting in and quilt this bad boy!
Love it!! I want one.